As he promised he’d do at the end of his first year representing the people of Argyll & Bute, Brendan O’Hara MP has undertaken an audit of his community engagement over the past 12 months to see how his promise to represent every part of this vast constituency has turned out.
The audit of his activities show that our new MP has visited and met with constituents in 70 different towns and villages, including visiting every island community in Argyll and Bute on at least one occasion since being elected in May 2015. Brendan has held constituency surgeries from Campbeltown to Tiree and all points in-between. Along with visits to schools and clubs, our new MP has met with almost 100 local organisations who are working to improve the lives of people in their communities.
• map of Argyll and Bute constituency showing all visited places
Commenting on his first audit, Brendan said:
“Back in May last year I said I’d be a representative of every part of this constituency and wouldn’t concentrate my efforts in the larger towns. I vowed to get around as many parts of Argyll & Bute as I possibly could and visit every island community. I am delighted that the audit of my first year’s work shows I have done exactly that.
Getting around this vast, diverse constituency is as real challenge and the mileage I’ve clocked up is quite incredible but that comes with the job and the distances I have to cover are more than compensated for by the communities I have met and the incredible beauty on offer. I still find it hard to believe that we have a coast line longer than France, we have 20 harbours, no fewer 6 airports and we even a very real opportunity to house the first ever UK spaceport in Machrihanish.
We have so much to offer here in Argyll & Bute and part of my job is to promote this constituency as a tourist destination, a centre of marine and renewable technology, the home of Scotch Whisky and a wonderful place to come and live and raise a family. With a population of just under 90,000 people, we have plenty of room for people to come to Argyll & Bute.
It has been an honour and a privilege to meet the people of this constituency and engage with the many hard working local organisations who are providing vital services to those in need and I will continue to support them in any way I can”.
Brendan, who currently shares an office in Dunoon with Michael Russell MSP has just opened the first ever parliamentary office in Helensburgh and is hopeful of opening another office in Oban. “It is vital that local representatives are accessible and that people know where their MP is and how to contact them. By getting myself on to the High Streets of our largest towns, I hope people will recognise that I am there to represent them and that I am there to help in whatever way I can”
Of course as the MP, he has to split his time between the Constituency and Westminster where in his first twelve months Brendan made contributions in 48 debates including Broadband, the Scotch Whisky Industry, nuclear safety at Faslane, Tourism, the care of our Armed Forces veterans, Yemen and military intervention in Syria and will continue to raise as many issues which are presented to him, at every opportunity in the House of Commons.
• Staff at new Helensburgh Office: from left – Michelle, Brendan, Catherine and Roslyn
Constituency Offices:
Helensburgh 8 Colquhoun Square, Helensburgh, G84 8AD;
T: 01436 670587
Oban 31 Combie Street, Oban, PA34 4HS
Dunoon 81 Argyll Street, Dunoon, PA23 7DH