Argyll and Bute MP, Brendan O’Hara joined around 100 pupils from Rhu and Rosneath Primary Schools on Friday, 8 September on theirvisit to Duchlage Farm, Arden as part of the Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET) programme to teach children about where the food on their table comes from RHET’s Farm to Fork programme, with the help of a team of volunteer Rangers from the National Park and farm owners who carried out the fun activities, demonstrated to the children how food gets onto their plates such as how milk gets from the cow into our milk cartons, how wheat is turned into flour and how cream is made into butter.
Following the event, Mr O’Hara said,
I think it is really important that children understand and value where the food on their table comes from and what has to happen to get it there. That is why events such as this are so important and I applaud the Royal Highland Education Trust for organising it. The demonstrations were great fun and it was lovely to see just how engaged the pupils of Rhu and Rosneath primaries were and how eagerly they took part in the activities.
Apart from RHET and the Scottish Government, a big thank you is also due to Luss Estates for making the farm available for this hugely worthwhile project and to the local farming community and the National Parks volunteers for turning out in such good numbers to make the children’s day so special”.
RHET takes more than 16,500 children onto farms and estates throughout Scotland each year and as well as farm visits, RHET also arranges for volunteer farmers to visit the schools, provide free educational resources and organise school competitions and projects.The
Image 1: Brendan O’Hara MP with Ross Stewart, Head Gamekeeper, Luss Estates; Lottie Colquhoun, Luss Estates; Sheila Bannerman, RHET Project Co-ordinator (Dumbarton, Lomond and Renfrew); Cllr Richard Trail
Image 2: Ross Stewart, Head Gamekeeper, Luss Estates during a demonstration with pupils.
More information on RHET can be found on: